Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Running Head : Immigrant and Refugee WomenNameCourseUniversityTutorDateImmigrant and refugee womenThe media has exposed the Sudanese referee organisation as a law without entirelyice system . This is because the Sudanese justice system does non address intimate force-out that is creation committed against the women refugees in Sudan . In Sudan mass raping against women is a figure plan aimed at destroying rival communities and it is also a style of ethnic cleansing . The law system in Sudan does not depart justice to victims of plunder because it grants immunity to force members and jurisprudence guards who ar the main perpetrators of this inhuman act . If a outrage Sudanese woman cannot prove that she did not respond to the cozy natural process , she is accused of adultery and punished either in form of lashing or s toning . The militias ar incorporate in the popular defense forces and as a topic argon exempt from prosecution . The Sudanese organization has not sh let any efforts of helping women because it has been constantly harassing non-governmental organizations who try to provide assistance to the raped women . These laws therefore expose the rape victims to b bely detestation and limit their chances of main courseing and receiving medical treatment . The laws protect the real perpetrators of the action among who include , the military , from prosecution . The media exposes displaced women as the just about hit victims in a conflict aspect Refugee women are usually left out of important termination reservation processes that are meant to ensure their own choice . cosset and sexual madness is universe used against women as a arm for revenge between warring communities . Refugee women whether in their own countries or whether they catch crossed the b , are being denied class human rights all around the world . Th! ey are denied access to health care , exposed to all sorts of violence and denied justice ( HYPERLINK http / entanglement .refugeesinternational .org /lawswithoutjustice blank http /www .refugeesinternational .
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org /lawswithoutjusticeIn Russia the media exposes immigrant women as prostitutes . This is because traditionally , Russian women are known for pursue in commercial-grade sex activities . Popular press describes them as invasions explosions , or contrasted prostitutes who are controlled by mafia and barbarous organizations . Immigrant women in incompatible parts of the world are expound as prostitutes b ecause they interlace in immoral sexual activities mainly to earn a living . Engaging in commercial sexual activity seems like the only means of survival for immigrant women usually because hardly a(prenominal) countries offer support or jobs to refugee women . A majority of refugee women have all undergone sexual violence and rape but they are afraid to speak out callable to fear of being victimized further and being denied justiceOn many occasions the media has failed in displaying the plight of refugee women . The media lacks interest in the current issues that affect refugee women and immigrant women and focuses on misguided assumptions of the roles of refugee women in their communities . By doing this , the media is describing immigrant and refugee women as a generic wine problem...If you want to get a broad(a) essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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